Sunday, 2 June 2013


Time and time again the Bible presents the people mentioned in it having lost all that they have or a considerable portion of their possessions which they have lost. It never stops there. At some point later, there is recorded the manifold recovery of what is lost earlier and the losers rejoicing in the recovery. In scriptural terms, we even call these ‘total recovery’. Does it apply to our times also? The answer is an emphatic ’yes’.

The Holy Bible is a book for all people and all times. There are eternal truths which can never be altered. One such truth is the ‘recovery of the lost’. Jesus is telling parables concerning ‘the lost sheep /coin/son’. Everywhere the ‘loser’ persists till the ‘lost’ is found and more than restored. The redemption plan of the Bible is also that God came in search of the fallen humans and took upon Himself the whole process of recovering the ‘lost’. God is always the victor, though we stumble on the way, trip and fall. His love searches for us and He redeems and restores us back to Himself. The Eternal God does the same thing in spirit, soul and body. For those of us who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour there is always the hope of recovering all that we lost or lose now and then in the earthly journey. We are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us. (Rom 8: 37). Loss is not at all the final word for God’s people.

Let me illustrate the point I am making with what the Lord has been teaching me. Hope that the readers will be encouraged and edified with the biblical illustrations I am presenting in this blog. Hallelujah!! The Old Testament is full of historical characters who ‘lost’ people and materials due to some reason or the other and have ‘recovered’ what was lost. I was intrigued by David, Job, Daniel and Isaac, men of strong faith who drew their spiritual strength from relying on God and His Word. Prophet Joel declares that what the people of Judah lost due to falling away from the LORD will be restored by the LORD Himself. He goes on to say that God’s people will never be put to shame in front of the others.(Joel 2:25,26). It holds good for any Bible believing person too.

I Sam Ch. 30 narrate the last battle David had to fight just before the death of King Saul. Even though David was anointed to be king over Israel, he was hunted by king Saul of Israel and was wandering in the wilderness of Judea. He was also seeking asylum in the land of the Philistines. Achish, king of Philistia did allow David to live in his land along with the men who were travelling with him. When Israel waged war with Achish, David was sent back home without accompanying Achish for war. David was living in Ziklag which Achish gave him. When David returned to Ziklag, he found that the Amalekites had plundered Ziklag and taken captive all the women, children and livestock. The city was burnt down.

Then the men who were with David felt so let down that they wanted to stone him. They all wept till they could weep no more along with David. He was greatly distressed BUT he found strength in the LORD his God. (I Sam 30:6,7). Then David sought the company of Abiathar, the priest and asked him for the Ephod i.e., the garment of the priest of the LORD. He inquired of the LORD whether he should pursue the Amalekites. Abiathar was the only priest of God’s temple alive and his was the only ephod available to be used to inquire of the LORD. All others were killed by king Saul since they were friendly with David. When God gave him the green signal, he chased them and RECOVERED ALL that they have lost. In addition he plundered the enemy and had their livestock as well. He fought with only two thirds of his men on his side. The other one third had no strength to cross the Besor Ravine. Bible scholars believe that David wrote Psalm 25 at this time in his life.

What was the secret? David’s victory is because, when his companions were deeply distressed, he found strength in his God, depended on the divine presence, promise, guidance and the faithfulness of Him who chose him to be king. Had David for one moment forgotten his calling, he would have vanished. He had the grit to face all adversity because he believed strongly that the One who called him was faithful and will accomplish the task.

The promise is there also for us who believe in Jesus as Lord and Saviour of our lives (I Cor1:9). What do we do in the face of hostile circumstances? Follow David’s example at Ziklag. Leaders have some excellent tips from this case which enunciates remarkable marks of leadership. The leader is empathetic with his followers. He follows God’s leading for his own life. Let us learn to draw the strength only from the LORD and even when our closest circle of family and friends desert us, and still continue to trust in God until we win the battle against satanic attacks. Till the enemy was beaten to the dust, David would not give up!! He was not hopeless. He hoped against hope like Abraham, the father of Israel. We too have the same power of the Holy Spirit available to us through Christ. Let us only decide to plug in and be empowered to move ahead!! Amen.

  1. JOB THE JUST AND THE UPRIGHT MAN OF PATRIARCHAL ERA …. Recovered 200% of all that he lost
The book of Job is an important inclusion in the Wisdom literature of the Holy Bible. It narrates the life of a righteous man whom the LORD Himself testifies. The story is outlined in the first two chapters and the last chapter. The other chapters present a lot of discourses made by the friends of Job and his replies to them. Job suffers undeserved loss and he laments it is unjustified. The best man on earth suffers the worst calamities. In no time Job loses all his wealth and children, one after another. His wife gives him counsel to curse God and die. Even then Job stands firm on his conviction that ‘the LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Praise be to His Name’. (Job 1:21). His friends rather than comforting him, start blaming Job for what he is going through and add to his despair.

Job complains to God and he pleads an answer only from God. Job goes through the emotional cycle of whining, resenting, lamenting and being in despair. The LORD finally endorses Job’s character and makes him understand His sovereignty. Throughout the agonizing period, Job never blasphemes. He controls his tongue from talking against God. Even though he curses the day he was born he never attempts blaming God outright. The book brings to light the unexplainable suffering undergone by a good man. Amidst all this the truth brought out is that the LORD need not offer any explanation for his people’s suffering, but they only have to wait patiently and hopefully. During the trials the character of the sufferer is made stronger and the LORD does interfere at the appointed time and repays the loss. We cannot just like that question the creator of mighty creatures.

The LORD gave back Job TWICE as much as what he lost and the last chapter numerically details it. The LORD does not endorse the criticism of Job’s three friends. Finally when they offer sin offering through Job, whom the LORD appointed as their priest, the reversal takes place. The loss is repaid by God double and the respect in the society increases doubly for Job. All his friends who despised him now rejoice with him. What is the reason for the reversal? Job did not sin with his tongue. He confessed that even if God slays him, he will still trust in Him. (Job 19:25 ,26). Job was confident of seeing God face to face at the end. He declares that he has heard about the LORD till now, but he sees God through the trials and sorrow. He finally confesses that he ‘spoke of things he did not understand, things which are too wonderful to know’. ( Job 42:3).

Sometimes we all find ourselves in similar circumstances. ‘Our world seems to fall apart. God seems distant and silent’. Suffering is very personal. ‘We enter the crucible of life alone’. In times of trouble we have a tendency to blame God. As believers in Christ, we need to rather learn to trust God’s goodness and rely on it. His wisdom is unsurpassed and in Him there is not an iota of variance ( James 1:13,17). John Newton once said ,’Satan can go only up to the end of his chain.’ Satan asks God’s permission to attack Job. The Bible records another instance where Satan asks permission to test Simon Peter . ( Lk 22:31,32). We need to remember that Job cried to God for a mediator between them both who could vindicate him. Job 9:33; 16:19-21 are Job’s astonishing words of hope. We have that already accomplished in Jesus Christ our Lord ( I Tim 2:5). God does not condemn doubt and despair, as we find in this book. God is never totally silent. God demands faith from us. The suffering is always used for a higher good ( The family devotional Bible ,2008). The book of Job ends with the triumphant mood that the faithful will get back from the LORD whatever they have lost, only if they remain loyal to God and stand firm in their faith!! Amen.

Daniel was deported to Babylon as a teenager belonging to a royal descent from Judah. Initially he was a trainee in the heathen king’s court and later served as an adviser to kings. He served in the royal courts for over 60 years. The time he was put in the lion’s den he was in his 80’s. His unshakable loyalty to the LORD all along in a foreign land, heathen culture paved the way for God to act on his behalf in astounding supernatural ways.

The educated captives were trained in Babylonian language, sorcery, religion and culture so that the kings can rule the diversified people who were taken captives. The first chapter of Daniel brings out a wonderful step taken by the teenage captives under the leadership of Daniel ( Dan 1:8). He decided NOT to defile himself with the food and wine coming from the king’s court. The food would be offered to the idols before distribution. Daniel requested the chief of the eunuchs to give them only vegetarian diet. He politely told him to test them for 10 days ( Dan 1:12). What an unshakable commitment to the commands of the LORD?

The surrender to the LORD than to the rulers of a different culture was richly repaid by YAHWEH. When the king interviewed them after 10 days he found Daniel and his three friends excel every other trainee in wisdom and understanding. They excelled in all the king’s tests. The king found them TEN times better than all others who underwent similar training!! ( Dan 1:19,20). Not only that, the LORD gave them wisdom and understanding in interpreting dreams. Daniel had this special gift from God. In addition the four Jews had knowledge and skill in the Babylonian literature and language. ( Dan 1:17). Daniel came under the class of prophets and seers who guided their people by the visions God was showing them!!

What is the lesson we learn? It does not matter where we are, if we remain with an unwavering faith in Jesus our Lord we will take back whatever we lose 1000%. The dignity the Jewish teen aged slaves was restored TEN TIMES in front of others who were different from them. The slaves were exalted to high political offices in the same land, where they served as captives!! The just shall live by faith( Rom 1:17). This means that a Christian knows only to walk in faith in Christ and it becomes the lifestyle. Consecration to the Saviour is the bottom line. Courageous is called for with no compromise in the witness to Christ. Even if that would bring in fiery furnace / lion’s den we know that our redeemer lives and He will deliver us .Even if deliverance is not in sight we will still not bow down to Satan and his agents!! (II Cor.5:6,7)
GENESIS Ch. 26 is a beautiful narrative of how Isaac trusted God’s Word and sowed in Gerar, in the land of the Philistines, at a time of great famine. He not only gave up his plans to relocate to Egypt but also stayed in Philistia. He obeyed the LORD without questioning or rationalizing. He took the risk of sowing probably the seeds he had in his possessions, that too knowing there is famine in the land. The Bible records the LORD blessed him and he reaped 10000% . His wealth grew and he became a respectable man among the people.

How was this possible? As we read further in the same chapter, we find that Isaac did certain things that removed all the blocks set by those jealous people around him and made them confess that ‘He is indeed blessed by the LORD’(v.29). Isaac started reopening the wells which were dug by Abraham, his father. The Philistines started claiming it is theirs and without picking up quarrels with them he proceeded to another place and started digging the wells stopped by the Philistines. He did this again and again, without giving up till they relented at Rehoboth. When Abimelech and his friends met Isaac later and requested a peace treaty , he did forgive them for driving him away from their place. Same day, the LORD granted him water in another well at Shibah (v.23-25,33). In modern terms Isaac ‘invented a new technology of irrigating his crops’ with well water. One Bible commentator says that paid him well and he got 100 fold harvest. He used the obstacles laid by the enemies as stepping stone to success. In all this he never hated them and kept on doing what he was doing relying on God. God renewed the covenant He made with Abraham once again with Isaac. This is the secret of his success.

What is that to us? We find Isaac to be a type of Jesus Christ. When we as Christian believers follow the wonderful example of our Lord, I am sure wherever we are and in whatever circumstance, we will experience similar blessing to that of Isaac and even more since we inherit God’s blessing through His Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We need to trust and obey the Word of God rather than people, never give up our faith in all aspects, decide to walk by faith and not by sight, keep going ahead in face of opposition, be patient and forgive those who hurt us like the supreme example of our Lord Jesus. This opens up the way for God’s miraculous ‘recovery’ of all that we ‘think’ we have lost. Our God rewards those who trust in Him!! Jesus told all along to the ones who approached Him for healing, ‘your faith has made you whole….. be it unto you according to your faith’. We understand that our faith is the measure for God’s blessing on us. Let me wish the readers ‘expectant believing and recovering of all that was ‘lost’ a hundred times and more’. Amen and Amen.

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